Freshman & Sophomore Seminars

Freshman and Sophomore Seminars emphasize interaction and discussion, providing a counterpoint to the learning experience in Berkeley’s large lecture classes. In the seminars, a small group of students and a professor explore a scholarly topic of mutual interest together through dialogue, in the spirit of learning for its own sake.

These seminars offer students an unprecedented opportunity to explore a wide range of majors and even fields of study usually reserved for graduate students. Professors from nearly every campus department join together each semester to offer an impressive array of seminars. You will find lower-division seminars sponsored by L&S departments, as well as by the professional schools and colleges. Seminars numbered 24 (and in some cases 90) bear one unit of credit and are limited to 15 freshmen. Seminars numbered 39A-Z are limited to 30 freshmen and sophomores. Seminars numbered 84 bear one or two units of credit and are limited to 15 sophomores.

If you have questions about the Freshman and Sophomore Seminars, contact us at

Faculty interested in teaching freshman and sophomore seminars should consult our For Faculty page for more information.

For more information about spring 2025 seminars, including course descriptions, view our brochure.

This seminar has been fantastic. The subject is fascinating, and I appreciated the class for its intimate setting and lively discussions. The professor was meticulous about inviting all voices to the table. It was hands down my favorite class of the semester and my entire career at Berkeley so far. It helped me build my academic voice and confidence, which will be helpful in the future. I've met great people I can keep in touch with, and I know the professor would be glad to help out with anything I need or offer any guidance during the rest of my time at Berkeley (and beyond). An outstanding experience!

This is the exact kind of course I came to Berkeley for.

My first semester at UC Berkeley felt extremely overwhelming at times, but this seminar made me slow down and cherish all of the small moments that I was able to experience at UC Berkeley. Truthfully, this seminar was life changing. I didn't think that taking a seminar like this one for my first semester at UC Berkeley would have any impact on me. But, this seminar has made me more open-minded to everything around me. I felt like this small seminar class pushed me to be a better person to myself and everyone else around me.

This was one of, if not the best class I've ever taken. It was easily the most fun. It inspired academic curiosity and pursuit in myself, more than any other class ever has for me. It restored a genuine enjoyment of learning and will have a lasting effect on me for years to come.

The Freshman and Sophomore Seminar Program is administered by the College of Letters & Science’s Division of Undergraduate Studies and co-sponsored by the Division of Undergraduate Education (UE). The program serves students in all colleges and schools across the UC Berkeley campus. The program is generously supported by the Chancellor and the Heising-Simons Foundation.