L&S Curricular Connections

L&S 1: Research, Discovery, and You

L&S 1: Research, Discovery, and You

Letters & Science 1: Research, Discovery, and You is a course intended for new students in the College of Letters & Science. Its broad purpose is to introduce students to different ways of thinking about knowledge production as practiced across L&S. Students will attend faculty forums where faculty across L&S discuss their work, methods, and creative process. Students will then come together in discussion section to analyze how different types of scholarship construct and support their claims. In addition, students will learn how to support the health and well-being of themselves and others. 

The summer version of this class is fully online-asynchronous, with no live discussion sections. 

The fall version of this class is hybrid, with online lectures and in-person discussions sections.

Questions about the course? Contact Aileen Liu.

“I was able to see a wide range of perspectives — some of which left me going Ohhhh, I never thought about it that way before. Moments like that are my favorite, and I’m sure I’ll have plenty more during my time at Cal. "
— Summer 2022 L&S 1 Student