LS 70B
Global Warming
Physical Science
This lower-division course introduces global warming as both a scientific and social issue. We will introduce the physical science that sets the stage for the problem, from the basic concepts of climate (carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, climate feedbacks) through to the climate model projections of future climate changes and their impacts. Social scientific perspectives will be integrated throughout, including the history of climate science, the geographical and political-economic implications of fossil fuels and industrial production, and the challenges posed to existing regulatory and governance systems by the current and prospective impacts of global warming. Several guest lecturers will give in-depth reviews of specific topical issues. We aim to provide students with a solid understanding and information base with which to analyze and evaluate ongoing developments and (often heated) debates surrounding global climate change.
I didn't expect this course to change my life, but it did. It made me understand climate change and attempts to combat it in a way that I didn't before. It also made me aware of climate change as a source of employment — I didn't realize that there were so many jobs in the climate sphere outside of being a climate scientist. After taking this course I'm open to looking at these jobs for my future.
— Student in spring 2024 class