LS C140V / History C187
The History and Practice of Human Rights
Historical Studies; Social and Behavioral Sciences
Law & Humanities Course Thread; Human Rights Course Thread
What are human rights? Where did they originate and when? Who retains them, and when are we obliged to defend them? Through what kinds of institutions, practices, and frameworks have they been advocated and affirmed? And which are the human rights that we take to be self-evident? The rights to speak and worship freely? To legal process? To shelter and nourishment? Is health care a human right? If so, can human rights ever be global in scope? Or is the idea of universal human rights a Eurocentric delusion or, worse, a neoliberal ploy? History will not answer these questions for us, but historical understanding can help us answer them for ourselves.
With a focus on the last two centuries, and especially the late twentieth century to the present, “The History and Practice of Human Rights” offers historical perspective on some of today’s most challenging issues, from state violence, military intervention, and international justice, to inequality, corporate abuse and environmental disaster. Much of our analysis of these topics will center on the law, but we will also consider how the media and social movements have influenced the emergence of human rights thought and practice around the world.
This class was by far one of the most interesting classes I have taken at Berkeley. The course transitioned from a history class about how human rights have existed in history to a discourse about the topic of human rights and its importance in the world, how states view human rights and what affects them.
— Student in fall 2023 class
I am now interested in pursuing a Human Rights minor because I find this work and knowledge to be incredibly important in the grand scheme of being an active member in society.
— Student in fall 2023 class