LS 150C
Working People in the Global Economy
International Studies, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Work is central to our identities, self-esteem, well-being, and social status. How societies organize work shapes the distribution of rewards and power, not just in the workplace but in society at large. Today everyone’s work is profoundly shaped by the way it connects to other people’s labor around the globe. Using a variety of disciplinary lenses – from history to sociology to economics and political science – this course will look at working people around the world – from California to China to Johannesburg to Europe to India, making connections and comparisons across global regions. We will also examine how the organized efforts of working people have shaped the nature of jobs and social change in different countries around the world.
Although enrollment is limited to upper-division students, there are no specific prerequisites to the course. Having a variety of work experience and some familiarity with at least one country other than the United States will be useful but is not required.